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Roots OF The American People Crossword Puzzle

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Roots of the American People

                  2             3          
          6 7                              
            8                       9      
      14   15                                
            16                     17        
  18                               19        
        21                   22     23        
Across Down
2 small boats made from skins
4 extra
5 common activity with the North American indians
6 advanced culture
8 method to water crops by channeling water from rivers
10 allowed people to form communities
11 Eastern Woodland indians
15 built by the Iroquois indians
16 built by the Anasazi indians
18 Plains indians
19 sun-dried brick
21 regions where people have similar ways of life
23 network of roads
24 created a calendar
1 spirits honored by the Pueblo indians
3 items used as money
7 dug by the Hohokam indians in Arizona
9 made up of five distinct nations
12 ceremony which host showered guests with gifts
13 groups of families that were related
14 tribal chief
17 thick sheets of ice
20 ruler of the Natchez
21 ways of life
22 capital city of Tenochtitlan
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