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Astronomy - What's a Planet?

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1 _____ warps the surface layers on a planet or moon, driven by heat from below.
3 _____ is when volcanoes spew mineral-rich lava.
4 Early Greek sky gazers used the word _____ (wanderer) to refer to starlike objects that wandered through the sky.
5 _____ are objects that meet the first two criteria for planets but have not yet cleared their orbits.
7 In 2005, planetary scientists found _____, which is larger than Pluto.
2 _____, where icy material erupts from beneath the surface, occurs mostly on the frozen moons of the outer solar system.
6 In the current definition, a _____ is defined as a celestrial body with its primary orbit around the Sun, sufficient mass for its own gravity to mold it into a round shape, and is the only body of its size in its orbit.
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