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20 words relating to Astromony

          3 4                                    
        6             7                          
9                   10                            
                              11     12            
  13                       14                      
  16                 17             18              
Across Down
3 horizontal lines across Earth's surface used for location
6 vertical angle an object makes with the horizon
9 lighter, outer part of a shadow
10 natural phenomenon that creates colorful light displays in the sky
11 relating to the Moon
13 farthest point from the Sun in Earth's orbit
16 moment the upper edge of the Sun becomes visible
17 imaginary line that a planet rotates around
18 also known as a shooting star
19 changes in ocean water levels caused by the Sun and Moon
1 path of an object around another object in space
2 a dusty, icy celestial body
4 rocky objects that orbit the Sun
5 the transition from night to day
7 occurs when the Sun is directly over the equator
8 atmospheric phenomena created by ice crystals reflecting light
12 the brightness of an object in space
14 the transition from day to night
15 the location straight above you
16 relating to the Sun
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