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Astronomy And Space Crossword Puzzle

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Astronomy and Space

put each correct word in each numbered clue

    2     3                    
      10                       11
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3 the part of the Sun that sticks out, during a solar eclipse
5 a color of a star determines this
7 The biggest moon on Jupiter
8 the gas that the gas giants and Sun are mainly made out of
10 everything that exists in space
13 the number of constellations in the whole universe
14 our constellation
1 this rotates Earth
2 a barren chunk of ice, rock, dust, and other gases that revolves around the Sun
3 95% of this gas is on the atmosphere of Mars
4 a ball of superheated gases that planets revolve around
6 Jupiter has this amount of hours per day
9 The outer planets all have this characteristic
11 to spin on an axis
12 All the planets do this around the Sun
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