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AT The Airport Crossword Puzzle Answer

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At the Airport

Find the missing words using the clues below

                  L   R      
                  A   I      
      B O A R D I N G P A S S
      A           D     I    
  L U G G A G E         S    
      G                 L    
    T A K E O F F       E    
J O U R N E Y                
      C H E C K I N D E S K  
  S U I T C A S E            
Across Down
3 You this with your passport when you get on the plane. It is made of paper.
5 What you carry with you on holiday. A noun describing lots of types of bags, cases etc.
6 Verb - This is what the plane does when it first gets into the air.
7 Noun - Travelling from one place to another
8 When you arrive at the airport you have to go here to show your passport.
9 This is one of the things you carry on holiday, it will have your clothes and inside. It may have wheels and or/a handle.
1 Another word for an outing or excursion - usually for fun or business. Similar to holiday.
2 Verb - this is what the plane does when it comes down.
3 Where do you go to collect your things when you get off the plane?
4 It is the long part of the plane between the seats.
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