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Biology Systems Crossword Puzzle

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Biology Systems

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3 What system is made up of the brain and spinal cord?
4 What nervous system increases gut activity and decreases heart rate and respiratory rate? It is concerned with conserving of energy.
5 One or more bundles of axons creating part of the system where impulses are sent between the brain, spinal cord and other parts of the body.
6 What is it called when an animal's body is unaware of something that's not important?
7 What is the word given to the system that is going on in the body but an animal is not conscious of it?
8 A chemical messenger that is secreted from glands and diffused throughout the body in the blood to stimulate changes within the body.
9 The internal environment of an animal's body has many factors that have to be kept at a steady set level (e.g. temperature and blood glucose level). The maintenance of these steady set state conditions in the body is called?
10 What nervous system: increases heart rate, respiratory rate, blood flow and dilates the pupils of the eyes? It is activated during exercise, excitement and emergencies.
11 A condition where the body temperature is extremely above the norm.
12 A condition where the body temperature is extremely below the norm.
1 What does somatic mean?
2 What system is made up of the autonomic nervous system, spinal nerves and cranial nerves?
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