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Title Subject Instructions / Description Sample Puzzle Hints
Fairy Tales Literature and Writing the problem faced by the hero. a heroine of a fairy tale who is maltreated by a malevolent stepmother. a person who is believed to practice black magic. synonym of scare. usually the ending of a fairy tale.
A Good Night's Sleep is Important! Health If you choose to wear these, make sure they are soft and comfortable so you don't feel restricted.. Do as much as you can to make yourself feel this way before you get into bed. . We need this for all functions of daily life.. You need one to cover you but make sure it is not too heavy or too light otherwise you will be uncomfortable.. Eat this as early in the evening as possible; a full tummy right on bedtime can make for a poor night's sleep..
A Letter to Amy Books Complete the crossword puzzle using words from the word bank. to look quickly at something. contains three angles. a vehicle like a bicycle that contains three wheels. uncontrollable. a place or angle where two or more sides or edges meet.
A Raisin in the Sun Entertainment violently; maliciously . bluntly refuses. overbearingly proud. long speech or talk made by one person . 'religion' of those who don't believe in God.
A Vital Business Resource Business and Work Find each of the following words. unable to work together. not planned, accidental. converting paper documents to pictures stored and displayed via computer. things that stand in the way. having something in common.
Algebra Math the branch of mathematics that deals with the relations between the sides and angles of plane or spherical triangles, and the calculations based on them. . a set of equations that are all satisfied by the same values of the variables.. An expression that is the ratio of two polynomials.. One of two or more quantities that divides a given quantity without a remainder. For example, 2 and 3 are factors of 6; a and b are factors of ab.. The power to which a base, such as 10, must be raised to produce a given number..
Amsterdam Science Other dietary components, often referred to as vitamins and minerals. Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography . artificially structured materials used to control and manipulate light, sound and other physical phenomena. species that lived on the island mauritius. system to quantify human movement patterns.
Ben Carsons Gifted Hands Books overcome with amazement. slanting or inclined direction, course, or postition. lacking definite from or limits. the visual percept of a region . (of liquid) giving off bubbles.
Culinary Arts Business and Work Fills in for other staff members on their days off. Style of cuisine that highlights individual ingredients. Conduct research to develop and improve food products . In charge of the cold food station. Founded in 1996 by group of research chefs.
Georgia O'Keeffe Art nationality . Moved here from Wisconsin. Birthday. Number of art schools she went to. age when she died .
How to Train Your Dragon Books Complete this crossword puzzle to get the map to find the treasure the Outcasts have hidden The protagonist of 'How To Train Your Dragon'. ______ the Treacherous was the antagonist of 'How To Train Your Dragon'. Its natural coloration seems to be a dull olive-green, though it can hard to see. Produces an electrical spark from its mouth to ignite the flammable gas to creating lethal explosions. Has a tail that is covered in bristling poisonous spikes, which are used as projectiles to stun or immobilize its prey.
Life in Earth's Oceans Earth Sciences The most diverse marine biome on Earth, found in warm, shallow waters beyond the shoreline.. The portion of the ocean that is shallow enough for sunlight to penetrate, allowing photosynthesis to occur. Most life lives in this part of the ocean.. The bottom of a marine ecosystem; consists of sand and sediment and supports its own community of organisms.. Are bodies of water found in areas where freshwater from rivers and streams and salt water from the ocean meet.. An area where ocean water sinks through cracks in the ocean floor, is heated by the underlying magma, and rises again through the cracks..
Market Structures Business and Work combo of 2 or more companies into a single firm. a market structure in which a few large firms dominate a market. Any factor that makes it difficult for a new firm to enter a market. selling a product below cost to drive competitors out of the market. a government issued right to operate a business.
Medical Terminology Health extremities. rub, friction. binding, fixation. head. suture, suturing.
Polygon Math Crack the answers with the help of the clue Convex quadrilateral with at least one pair of parallel sides. Opposite angles and sides are congruent. Convex polygon with all equal angles and sides. Diagonals cuts the polygon into two right angled triangles. Only Opposite angles are congruent and opposite sides are equal.
Reconstruction History US History No one can be kept from voting. He was assassinated in 1965. Democrats, opposed to the Republican Party. look for ground to dismiss the President. Established by Congress in the last month of war.
Red Scarf Girl Books - Autobiography China's Communist leader Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution in order to reassert his authority over the Chinese government. During the Cultural revolution Mao Zedong encouraged people to eliminate these things. Old ideas, old culture, old customs, and old habits. The act of freeing someone or something. A declaration of objection or disapproval. Young students who promoted the Cultural Revolution.
Road to the Civil War History Abolitionist newspaper created by William Lloyd Garrison.. Held a convention and voted to secede.. Escaped slave and editor of The North Star.. Allowed settlers to vote on whether to allow slavery.. Southern states leaving the Union and forming a confederation..
Superhero Entertainment has a trident. batman's sidekick. he has a golden spike ball. can turn into any animal. half human half robot.
The Cell Health Spindle fibers attach to centromeres, Chromosomes align in the middle.. The process in which the cell releases materials to the outside by discharging them as membrane-bounded vesicles passing through the cell membrane.. Fluid-filled, membrane-surrounded cavities inside a cell.. Consists of loosely coiled fibers of protein and DNA.. Chromosomes divide, spindle fibers shorten and pull the sister chromatids toward the centrioles..
The Cold War Begins History Soviet. name of couple charged with espionage and executed. lying when one has sworn under oath to tell the truth. political and military barrier that isolated Soviet-controlled countries of Eastern Europe after WWII. the practice of pushing a dangerous situation to the limit to force an opponent to back down.
The Odyssey Literature and Writing formal and dignified. try to gain the love of someone. not friendly or forthcoming. a bulbous plant. one of a person`s blood relations.
The Renaissance History Along with Milan and Venice it expanded and played crucial roles in Italian politics. goverment of europe based on protection and obligation. Worldy viewpoint . Sum of money given the wifes family to the husband upon marriage. Along with Flourence and Venice it expanded and played crucial roles in Italian politics.
The Road Not Taken Literature and Writing A person, place, thing, object, or activity that stands for something beyond itself used to add a deeper meaning to the theme . The message a poet once the poem to have for the reader . The science or study of poetic meters and verse . The overall organization of lines and/or the predictable patterns of sound . Voice of the poem.
The Texas Revolution History The woman that was nicknamed 'The Angle of Goliad'.. The man that has a famous knife named after him.. A famous Texan volunteer that fought in the battle of the Alamo.. The first president of Texas.. The only Tejano to serve in the Republic of Texas.
The Watsons Go to Birmingham Books Energy in a form of powerful and or harmful rays.. On time.. Soldiers sent to make an army stronger.. Immitate.. Frighten..
U.S. History History Act passed to punish Britain and France and to protect American merchant ships from capture. Created by supporters of Andrew Jackson. Purchased this territory from Mexico. Indians were forced on this trail where many died. Forced Indians to move west.
US History History Items produced by the colonies and enumerated in acts of Parliament that could be legally shipped from the colony only to specified locations. A colony created when the English monarch granted a huge tract of land to an individual or gourp who became 'Lord(s) Proprietor'. The legislature of Colonial Virginia. 1st organized in 1619, it was the 1st institution of representative government in the English Colonies. Members of an offshoot branch of Puritanism. Believed that the Church of England was too corrupt and they must separate to save their souls. An alliance between to Iroquois Confederacy and the colony of New York which sought to establish Iroquois dominance over all other tribes and thus put New York in an economical and political dominant position among all other colonies.
Using a Word Processor Business and Work a feature that automatically compares words to those in a dictionary file to determine if they are spelled correctly. a format where the left and right edges of the paragraph are equally distant from the left and right margins. a designated area in memory where cut and copied text is placed; stores the last 24 cut or copied items. to modify the contents of a document. located at the top and left side of the document window, they are used for measuring.
Wars and Diplomacy History especially noticeable in the 18th cent. . armies needed. ended European conflict in 7 Years' War . new concept for diplomacy . major colonial power in 1763.
'A Child Called It' Books faded, torn. urgent, extreme. defend yourself. shy. the top of something.
'Air' Spellings Spelling Lists Answer the clues and put this week's spelling words in the grid. ________ over the rainbow is a famous song. . The second month of the year. . Tinkerbell was one of these in Peter Pan.. A normal day would be described as this. . To fix something. .
'au' and 'war' Spelling Lists All the answers to the clues are words with the spelling pattern 'au' or 'war' that make the vowel sound 'aw' Neil Armstrong, for example.. To stop someone from doing something. A distressing or disturbing experience. The process of washing clothes. One of Snow White's seven.
'ay' Words Spelling Lists use the clues to write 'ay' words The train was held up at the station.. Not here.. To have a rest.. Not to move from here.. African pots are made of this..
'Call of the Wild' Books Chapter Seven state of violent mental agitation . total certainty . an anticipated outcom . stable situation in which forces cancel each other out. stubborn/unyielding .
'Death of a Salesman' by Arthur Miller Books Complete crossword puzzle Where Biff was for three months on a ranch. Time setting in the play. Main character's younger son. Where Willy's older brother found his fortune. Willy wants to plant these to represent the worth of his labor.
'e' Words Spelling Lists very large in size or quantity. try hard to achieve something. a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures. a large bird of prey. the outer surface or structure of something.
'kn' & 'wr' Spelling Words Spelling Lists You do this when you bend down and put your weight on your knee.. Something that is twisted or woven into a circular shape.. You do this when you use yarn and needles to create something new.. This is the place between your hand and your arm.. You use this to open a door..
'M' Puzzle Spelling Lists I like to eat _________.. Please don't be _______!. I went to the mailbox to get our ________.. She will ______her bed soon.. My mom is proud of _______..
'N' Words Spelling Lists Complete this crossword The _ tournament was about to begin. The shrapnel was a _ of the plane crash. The date is _ 17th October 2012. The day was very _. The _ had to read and sign a contract .
'ng' Words Spelling Lists Words with the 'ng' digraph Organs used to breathe.. The tooth of a snake.. Jewellery you wear on your finger. . Opposite of short.. A bird has one..
'Ous' Words Spelling Lists Find the 'ous' words Something funny. An explained serious accident. Likely to harm you . Well known for something . A risk or danger.
'oy' crossword Spelling Lists Go on a long journey. Give someone a job. Another 3 letter word for shy. If you like doing something. Will and Kate had a ______wedding.
'Singer and Rapper' Music 'Dive in'. 'Started from the bottom now we here'. 'Touchn you'. 'Sosa'. 'Trust and Believe'.
'The West' World Geography Wyoming Nickname. AZ Capital. UT Nickname. American General at Little Big Horn. WA Capital.
'The Witchy Worries of Abbie Adams' Books What did Abbie's father do for his career?. This was Abbie's nickname for her brother.. Tom formulated a new _________ to help Abbie's dad.. Mr. Merkelson kept saying ________ so Munch had to get Abbie's help.. Hold old was Thomas Edison when he was disenchanted from a kitten to a boy?.
'The Woman in the Snow' Books - Action and Adventure refused to give up her seat on the bus. Name of the 'woman in the snow'. to shrink back as in fear or disgust. to fall suddenly and steeply. important movement in American history to get equal treatment for all.
'Tis The Season Holidays and Seasons Things that make you think of Christmas short people who build toys. what you find on top of a christmas tree. let it do this somwhere other than the Oncor service area!. hot spiced punch associated with Yuletide . the gift no one wants.
'W ' Words Spelling Lists Words start with 'W' large animal of the Arctic ocean with even larger tusks. the angel shark is named for its fins that are shaped like these. Harry Potter knows that this word means 'sorcerer'. shed tears. a big lie or a Burger King favourite.
'Words Of Wisdom' Spelling Lists state or quality of being unique. active, full of life. to descend from an ancestor. to look up too. a careful thought, considering others.
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