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Cell Biology Crossword Puzzle

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Cell Biology

2             3                           4
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2 Produces proteins in both types of cells.
5 Protects the Nucleus. Lets things in and out of the nucleus in both types of cells.
6 Receives materials from endoplasmic reticulum, distributes materials in both types of cells.
7 In plant cells, stores water, food, waste and more for a plant cell.
8 Directs all cell actions, including reproduction in both types of cells.
9 Organelle that produces most of the cells energy, which is ATP in both types of cells.
10 What controls what goes in and out of the cell. In both plants and animals.
11 Houses gel-like fluids that support cell organelles in both plants and animals.
12 In plant cell. Captures energy from sunlight. Uses energy to produce cell food, which is sugar.
13 Makes ribosomes in both plants and animals.
14 Transports and stores materials, including waste in animal cells
1 In animal cells, contains chemicals that break down certain material. Breaks down doead cells.
3 Carries substances, like proteins, to various parts of the cell in both types of cells.
4 In a plant cell, helps protect and support the cell. Gives a plant cell a shape.
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