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Cells Crossword Puzzle

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    3 4                                    
  7                         8              
      10                 11                  
      13               14                    
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3 the outer part of a that provides structure to the cell
5 an organelle that packages and distributes proteins outside the cell
6 breaks down substances
7 the chemical inside cells that stores information about an organism
8 a protein builder of the cell
9 an organelle that uses oxygen to break down food and release energy in chemical bonds
10 a thin layer that surrounds and holds a cell together
12 a gel-like substance containing chemicals needed by the cell
13 captures the light energy from the sun to make food
15 information and control center of the cell
16 two or more atoms joined together
1 stores substances such as food, water and waste products
2 the basic unit of life
4 a system of tubes that process and transport proteins within the cell
8 a molecule that works together with DNA to make proteins
11 the smallest particle of an element that still has the properties of that element
14 high energy molecules that store energy in a form the cells can easily used
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