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Chemistry Crossword Puzzle

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          3               4      
        9             10          
                          11     12
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1 Anthing that has mass and takes up space .
2 Amount of space matter takes up.
3 Consists of two or more different Elements
6 atoms combined to make molecules
8 Most pure kind of Substance
9 State of matter that changes shape according to the shape of its container but has a fixed volume.
13 Consists of only one type of partical.
15 Type of mixture you can only see one part
1 Mixtures in whitch more then one part is visable.
4 State of matter with a fixed shape and volume
5 form a liquid from a solid as a result of heat
7 Amount of matter in an object.
10 Hazadous Household Product Symbols
11 State of matter changes shapes according to the shape of the container and expands in the volume to fill the container
12 type of element that are good conductors of heat can be shaped easily are shiny and are usually solid
14 The smallest partical of matter that cannot be divided
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