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                    2     3                    
              4 5                              
              7           8                    
                          13         14     15    
            16       17                          
              20           21     22              
          23             24                      
Across Down
4 send a letter
6 organize files and folders
8 give a name to the file and store in a certain place
9 instructions for computer
10 select things by pressing mouse button
12 quit programs and turn off the computer
13 remove a file from computer
16 major browser in internet
18 Small Graphical picture of an object in the computer
19 Stands for Uniform Resource Locator
20 Close a window of a program
21 Place to get rid of files
24 Main chip in the computer
25 Software that damages the computer
26 WWW is World Wide ........
1 Create a file you worked on
2 Microsoft's operating system
3 Program that allows using internet
5 Stands for megahertz
7 Machine that processes and stores data
10 Faster connection than dial up internet
11 Stands for internet service provider
13 Representation of desktop
14 Change an existing file
15 List of commands
17 Arrow that points on screen
20 Computer or program fails to work
22 Move through the document
23 Move object by holding
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