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Ecology Crossword Puzzle

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4                     5            
7                     8            
10     11                            
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3 Living or once living parts of an organisim's habitat
4 All the organisims in an ecosystem that belong to the same species.
6 The relation of two in which one gets food or other benifits from the other.
7 The relation betwen two different organisims where one benifits
8 Group of organisims that share similar charicteristics and can reproduce among themselves
10 All the population in an ecosystem.
12 The unique way an organisim survives,obtains food and shelter, and avoids dang
1 A place where an organisim lives and has food,shelter,moistere, and temputre needed for survival
2 Non-living part of an organism's habitat
5 All living and non-living organisims in an area and the non-living features in an enviroment.
9 Large areas with similar climates and ecosystem
11 The relation of two organisims where both benifit.
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