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Edward VI And Lady Jane Grey Crossword Puzzle

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Edward VI and Lady Jane Grey

        2             3              
      10             11                
                        12           13
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4 What was the lung disease Edward caught?
5 What is the name of a person who helps run a country when the monarch is too young?
6 Which book did Edward get printed into English?
7 What type of 'book' did children learn from?
8 Which religion did Edward follow?
10 Who was Edward's mother?
12 What was Lady Jane Grey accused of?
1 Who was Edward's cousin and later heir?
2 Edward's uncle was the Duke of?
3 How old was Edward when he died?
7 what is the next monarch called?
9 What type of schools did Edward help set up?
11 Who took the throne off Lady Jane Grey?
13 How old was Edward when he came to the throne?
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