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Energy Crossword Puzzle

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Use the clues to fill the answers into the correct space in the crossword.

                1   2     3  
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4 Hydroelectricity is where water is trapped by a _____ and used to make electricity.
6 These energy sources do not run out.
7 These use movement energy from the wind.
8 Plants get energy from the sun. Animals get energy from the plants by _____ them.
10 This type of energy is found in food.
11 _____ fuels come from things that were living millions of years ago.
1 _____ stations burn fuels to heat water and create electricity.
2 This energy comes from the sun.
3 Tidal and wave energy sources use moving _____.
5 An object that is up high, has this type of energy.
9 A convection current is when _____ energy travels through air or in water.
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