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Film History over the 1950s

To get to know about the film more.

          A R O M A R A M A                  
          N A T I O N A L M A S S M E D I A  
      V E R T I G O                          
M I L L I O N                                
          P O P U L A R A T T R A C T I O N S
          R                               B  
          O                               C  
J A M E S D E A N                            
      A B C                                  
        H I T C H C O C K                    
      B E N H U R                            
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2 Was used in the (1959) Italian Documentary called Behind the Great Wall.
3 Is the thing that TV struggled to be in the 1950s.
4 Was the movie that Hitchcock was in in the 1950s.
5 Is how much it cost to make the movie Ben-Hur.
6 Were theaters, drive-in movies, and science fiction movies that featured aliens in the 1950s.
8 Represented distance teenagers with the sickness of the 1950s characters.
9 Was the first show made during the 1950s.
10 Explored the dark regions of peoples behaviors and actions.
11 Was the most expensive movie made during the 1950s.
1 Produced the news channel ABC.
7 Caused tons of people to buy television in the 1950s.
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