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French Revolution

              6                       7   8  
      10                         11            
          13                     14            
          17       18     19                    
                      21       22              
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3 Somebody who wanted change quickly
5 The woman that killed a radical leader in his bath tub
6 A person who has left their own country in order to settle in another
10 Wife of the King
11 When the Estates were all called together, it was called the Estates
12 Viewed himself as a 'Supreme being'
13 The Royal Palace was held in this city
14 When the Clergy takes 10% income from the peasants
15 Was the main device used to execute people
16 The city that the King and Queen were caught
17 Replaced the Jacobin party after Robespierre's death
20 The _________ Estate was comprised mostly by the peasants
21 The First President of the Committee of Public Safety
1 This radical leader was assassinated in his bath tub
2 ______________ day is celebrated on July 14th
4 The ________________ assembly was formed when an oath was taken
5 A sudden, violent and illegal seizure of power from a government
7 Another name for the October March
8 Riots broke out because of high prices on _____________, a French staple
9 The middle class in France
11 Period of panic and riots
18 Made up the lowest percentage of one of the Estates
19 Believed society needed a social contract
22 The Tennis Court _________
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