A female horse over the age of five years.
hair, wool or fur covering an animal
A young male horse (under five years old).
A curved bar attached to the underside of the wall of the hoof, to prevent wear and provide grip
A body covering made for horses that covers the animal's body from chest to rump, usually kept on the horse by buckles at the chest by buckles and by adjustable straps passing under the belly and sometimes around the hind legs. Heavier weight blanket
A young female horse (under five years old).
a person who rides a horse
A measurement of the height of a horse.
n American breed characterized by having one or more appaloosa characteristics, such as spots on the coat, mottling, striped hooves, eye whites, etc. Also any type of horse with these characteristics of any breed as a color.
a person who rides horses in races. The races can either be on flat race tracks or with hurdles and hedges to jump over
when a horse moves at about 100 kph The gallop is very like the canter, except that it is much faster and the three beats change to four. All four feet come off the ground together as the horse moves forward
when a horse moves at about 16 kph in a three-beat way, followed by a rest, followed by three beats again