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Human Body Crossword Puzzle

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Human Body

          1             2               3    
                                  5   6      
          7   8                              
        10     11                              
              15       16       17   18   19      
Across Down
6 a word that tells the action that things do
7 the organ that gives food to the blood
11 the body system that changes food into fuel
12 the body sytem of muscles
13 the muscle that covers the back of the lower leg
14 the organ that stores food the body cannot use
15 the body system of bones
22 the muscle that covers the front of the femur
1 the upper arm bone
2 to guard
3 a word that comes before a noun and tells about the noun
4 the muscle that covers the front of the humerus
5 a word that names a person, place, or thing
8 the muscle that goes from the ribs to the pelvis
9 hip bone
10 the upper leg bone
16 the tube that goes from the mouth to the stomach
17 to choose
18 the bone that covers the brain
19 to look at
20 the part that takes solid and liquid food into the body
21 the organ that makes chemicals that break food down
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