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Human Body Systems Crossword Puzzle

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Human Body Systems

    2                       3              
  4             5                          
11                             12           13
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4 This organ brings oxygen into your body
6 The variable that is changed in a science experiment
7 This system has glands that secretes hormones to make you grow
8 This system proves gas exchange in the body
10 All body systems work together to keep the body stable
11 This system removes wastes from your body
12 This system contains the brain, spinal cord and nerves
14 Organ that pumps blood throughout your body
15 The main part of the skeletal system
1 Organ that filters waste from your blood
2 This system works with the skeletal system to allow you to move
3 The variable that stays the same in an experiment to compare the variables
5 This system moves nutrients and oxygen through your body
9 This system works to break down your food
13 The largest organ in your body, it protects you and controls your temperature
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