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Romeo And Juliet Crossword Puzzle

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Romeo and Juliet

5                     6          
10                         11   12  
            15           16        
      17         18                
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3 How old was Juliet in the play?
5 What was Juliet's family name?
7 Who tells Romeo of bogus Juliet's death?
8 Who was Romeo in love with before Juliet?
10 What was Romeo's family name?
13 Who is Romeo's cousin that tries to be the 'peacemaker'?
14 Who banished Romeo?
17 Who planned Romeo and Juliet's wedding?
19 What we the statues of Romeo and Juliet made of?
1 Who killed Mercutio?
2 Who wrote this play?
4 Who did Capulet want Juliet to marry?
6 Who told Juliet she should marry Paris, aside from Lady Capulet?
9 What did Juliet drink to make her seem like she died?
11 What day did Romeo and Juliet get married?
12 Where was Romeo banished to?
15 What did Juliet kill herself with?
16 What city did this play take place in?
18 What did Romeo climb up to get into Juliet's room?
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