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Science Fiction

                        2       3          
                            5       6      
      10   11                                
14                 15                        
  16           17               18            
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4 not unusual, common
7 to try to make someone do something
9 a change or an adjustment
12 a ductile silver white element
13 the very same in every way
14 to take a picture of the inside of the body by using particles
15 a substance that tends to prevent harmful effects of bateria growth
16 to cause to happen by strength or compulsion
19 an object propelled through the air
20 the art or pretended art of controling forces through the use of secret charms
21 very catious; on guard, watchful
1 language used by a particular group, special terminology
2 the smallest form of matter
3 loss of sensation and motion of body parts, a helpless state
5 using the very great power made by spliting an atom or joining atoms in nuclear fission
6 a sucsession, a following or comming after in a series
8 something that is seen or heard but not actually happening, a delusion, a vision
10 a group of billiopns of stars held together by mutual gravitation
11 all existing things including earth and all of space
17 a mysterious part of you in which is not the body, the soul
18 medivial chemistry that attempted to turn ordinary things into gold
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