WhenWe Crossword Puzzles

Skills TO Know Crossword Puzzle

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Skills to Know

put the skill that matches the example that has the clue in it

      1 2                              
    8                               9  
Across Down
1 this skill uses words such as unlike disimilar different
3 this skill may NOT have clue words and you must go back to reread the text
4 this skill may ask you about the solution to the conflict
5 this skill may ask you why something happened
6 this skill may use time order words such as first next then last right before
7 this skill is always true you can find proof and never changes
8 this skill asks you why the author wrote this story or passage
10 this skill asks you to find what the passage or paragraph is mostly about
11 this skill will ask you what a particular word in the text means
12 this skill may ask you what finally happened because of some event
13 this skill is your own personal belief and can change all the time no proof needed
2 this skill asks you to make a gues as to what might happen next or probably happen
9 this skill uses words such as like similar the same alike
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