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Thinking And Problem Solving Crossword Puzzle

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Thinking and Problem Solving

            7                               8  
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2 Occurs when our confidence is greater than accuracy.
3 The ability to think, know, and remember
4 Problem solving strategy that guarantees the solution to a problem
5 Tunnel vision that prevents us from searching for alternatives that might offer solutions to problems
6 Typical best example incorporating the major features of a concept
7 Rule of thumb problem solving strategy that makes a solution more likely and efficient but does not guarantee a solution
9 Tendency to think of things only in terms of their usual functions
10 How an issue is worded or presented, which can influence decisions and judgments
11 Mental grouping based on shared similarity
12 Tendency to focus on information that supports preconceptions
1 Estimating the likelihood of events based upon their availability in memory
8 Sudden realization (a-ha!) of the solution to a problem
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