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Wood Crossword Puzzle

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solve this crossword to identify common types of wood defects

1           2              
          6       7       8
Across Down
3 This is caused by insects boring through the wood
5 Accumulations of a resinous liquid on the surface or in pockets below the surface of wood
6 Breaks in the wood along the annual growth rings
9 Due to improper storage where usually moisture evaporation from one side and not the other
1 Warping in lumber where the ends twist in opposite directions
2 Mold that grows in warm and moist area, usually poorly ventilated
4 This defect can be caused when one board face dries at a faster rate than the other
7 Can be caused by improper drying and storage or the presence of reaction
8 This is caused by a dead branch that was not fully integrated into the tree before it was cut down
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