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Aboriginal Dance And The World OF Dance Crossword Puzzle

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Aboriginal Dance and the World of Dance

2                                 3        
              7                       8    
            11             12                
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2 This choreographer visited Australia and attended a Corroboree
4 A ballet based on Aboriginal Dance
5 A huge ceremony which saw many creations inspired by Aboriginal culture
6 A highly educated Aboriginal activist
7 The dancework which was inspired by traditional Aboriginal Dance
9 This person was an important part of Bangarra
10 He created and directed the first South Pacific Festival of the Arts
11 The number of years Nelson Mandela was jailed
1 The name of the company that evolved from the first Aboriginal Dance School
3 The policies that saw Nelson Mandela jailed
8 Formally known as AIDT
12 Name of the man who won the rights for Aboriginals to be recognised as the original owners of Australia
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