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Accounting Crossword Puzzle Answer

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                            A             C  
                            C             A  
                            C             P  
                            O   G         I  
                            U   A         T  
                            N   A         A  
                A C C O U N T S P A Y A B L E
                C H A R T O F A C C O U N T S
    J           U                            
    O           N O R M A L B A L A N C E    
    U           T                            
M E R C H A N D I S E                        
    N           N                            
    A           G E N E R A L J O U R N A L  
    L           E                            
              E Q U I T Y                    
              C A L E N D A R Y E A R        
                I   C       F                
              J O U R N A L I Z I N G        
                N   E       S                
                    D       C                
                    I       A                
                    T       L                
                          D E B I T          
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4 the amount of money owed, or payable, to the creditors of a business
5 a list of all accounts used by a business
7 the increase side of an account
8 goods buought to resell to customers
9 an all-purpose journal in which all the transactions of a business may be recorded
10 the financial claims to the assets of a business
11 accounting period that begins on Jan. 1 and ends on Dec. 31
14 the process of recording business transactions in a journal
15 an entry on the left side of an account
1 a tool used to show the dollar increase or decrease in an account caused by a transaction
2 money supplied by investors, banks, or owners of a business
3 generally accepted accounting principles
4 assets = liabilities + owner's equity
6 a chronological record of the transactions of a business
12 an agreement to pay for a purchase at a later time; an entry on the right side of an account
13 an accounting period of 12 months
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