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Anatomy OF The Shoulder Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Anatomy Of The Shoulder

                      B O N E S                   I        
                      I                           N        
                      C L A V I C U L A R F R A C T U R E S
                      I                           S        
                      I M P I N G E M E N T S Y N D R O M E
                      A V U L S I O N F R A C T U R E      
                  R O T A T O R C U F F S T R A I N        
                G L E N O I D L A B R U M                  
                  E P I P H Y S E A L I N J U R Y          
H U M E R A L F R A C T U R E S                            
                  M U S C L E S                            
Across Down
2 Held together by ligaments
3 Arm movement becomes restricted with a sling
4 Repetitive overhead movement
5 Difficult, if not impossible, to find.
6 Excessive motion beyond the normal range
7 Rim around the shoulder blade
8 A blow to the head of the humerus
9 Not difficult to find if located midshaft
10 Responsible for rotating the arm
1 Acromioclavicular and Glenohumeral
2 Athletes who constantly raise their arms
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