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Across Down
1 Has claws, another name is Kitty ___
4 Man's best friend
5 Has many different names one is Mountain Lion
7 Also has spots, kind of big cat
9 A female deer
14 A male horse
18 live on a farm, you can ride them
19 Baby dogs
20 Has spikes protecting its body
23 A pink bird, has long legs
25 Has a shell covering its body, very slow
26 a baby Kangaroo
27 A male deer
28 Holds its baby in a pouch, baby's name is a Joey
29 Lives in the ocean, and eats fish and other things that's meat
32 Has a shell protecting its body
33 Also go 'Bah', but starts with a G
34 live in ____ tanks
37 Lives in the forest (think of teddy ____)
38 Lives in packs, starts with W
40 Lives in group made out of one male and other females, starts with L
41 They go 'Quack, quack'
2 Stripes along its body
3 big, and live in the ocean
6 like wolves but starts with a C
8 A baby deer
10 Goes 'Bah, bah'
11 Lived many, many, MANY years ago
12 A female horse
13 People hunt this animal for venison
15 Has many spots, runs really fast
16 Easter _____
17 They go 'Tweet, tweet'
21 Like a horse, and has sripes
22 Sort of like a horse but small
24 Has a long neck, also has large spots
28 Baby cats
30 Pink and Goes 'Oink, oink'
31 Goes 'Moo, moo'
35 One of their breeds is the Tree ____
36 Like frogs, but have bumps on their back
39 A baby horse
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