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Animals Crossword Puzzle

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            1   2              
                    4   5      
              7         8      
  10 11                          
12           13                  
Across Down
2 A large bird that lives on or near water and that has a very long and graceful neck
3 A large wild cat that has golden brown fur and that lives mainly in Africa
4 A bird that lives by water and has webbed feet. It goes: 'Quack quack!'
7 Slimy and sticky with no shells on its back
8 A bigger, and uglier version of frogs!
10 A large bird whose tail can spread apart like a fan
12 It has a thick coat, raised in many breeds for its wool
14 A large wild cat that lives in Asia and Africa and that can run very fast
15 It likes to eat banana!
1 Likes to roll in the mud!
2 Slimy and sticky with shells on its back
4 Ex. Husky, german shepherd, labrador, etc.
5 It goes: 'Meow~'
6 A small animal that usually lives in holes in the ground and has long ears, soft fur, likes to eat carrots
7 A reptile. It is scaly, legless, sometimes venomous
9 Slimy and sticky, usually green. Likes to hop and eat flies
11 A very large gray animal that has a long, flexible nose and two long tusks
13 A small animal that is related to the sheep
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