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Animals Crossword Puzzle

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                                4   5   6              
                                7           8          
                              9         10              
                            13           14              
                                  15             16      
Across Down
2 A NZ bird that sings lovely songs
4 Likes to catch birds
6 Many people don't like me I don't have any legs just a long body
7 What animal lives in a stable
10 I love rolling around in mud
11 He loves to swing in the trees
12 I have 2 red legs, I'm a bird commonly found walking by the side of the road
13 I have a very long neck
15 I can have one hump or two
16 A native NZ bird
18 The fastest animal in the world
1 I have the biggest voice in the jungle
3 Is black and white and doesn't like the cold
5 I have a very hard house that I live in
6 You can make a jumper out of me
8 Loves to go for walks and loves people
9 I love swimming and jumping up out of the water and doing flips
14 Uses its nose to pick up things
16 A soft cuddly animal from Australia
17 I like to move it move it
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