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Anna OF Byzantium Crossword Puzzle

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Anna Of Byzantium

                                  1             2         3          
                                4           5                        
                            6               7                   8    
                                  9   10                              
                            11                           12            
                        15                                 16          
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4 What was Sophia’s relation to Anna?
7 What was the profession of Anna’s second fiance?
11 What was the name of Anna’s grandmother?
13 What was Anna’s father’s name?
14 What did Simon call Anna?
15 What was the gift Anna’s father got John when he returned from war?
17 Who was Anna’s first fiance?
18 What was the name of the book Anna was writing?
19 What is the nickname Anna gave John?
1 What did Anna make Sophia at the end of the book?
2 Anna’s father came home from a battle against who?
3 Who was Anna’s sister?
5 Where did Anna work at the beginning of the book?
6 Where was Anna’s bird in when she found it dead?
8 What was Anna to inherit from her father?
9 Who was John raised by?
10 What was the name of Sophia’s beloved?
12 What did Anna’s bird make John’s thumb do?
16 Who was Anna’s teacher?
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