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Art Crossword Puzzle

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  1                       2   3      
            4 5                      
              7           8   9      
    11                 12              
            14               15        
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4 A word which means an arrangement of objects or images.
6 Drawing using lines to create a feeling of distance or to make something look more 3D.
7 A technique which includes using a lot of ink which resists the paint applied and sticks to non painted areas.
11 A method of printing.
14 An Austrian Artist
16 A group of colours made from two primary colours
17 A type of pastel
1 A type of art which includes sticking things to the surface of something else.
2 Something artists mix their colours on.
3 An artist who cut off part of his ear.
5 A type of art which confuses the eye and plays tricks on the brain.
8 An object used to prop up a canvas to help paint standing up.
9 Liquid used to paint onto an image which is brightly coloured and very vibrant
10 How something feels.
12 part of a brush
13 Another word for to look closely
15 Type of paint
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