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Artemis Fowl 1 Crossword Puzzle

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Artemis Fowl 1

                      3         4          
6 7             8                   9      
  13         14           15   16              
                17               18          
Across Down
6 A seed from what tree replenished Holly's magic?
8 Where does Artemis live?
9 What wasthe whaler made out of that prevented Foaly from getting a blueprint from the whaler?
11 Who abducts Holly?
13 What stopped the mesmer from working?
17 In which city did Artemis locate the Fairy Book?
19 How old is Artemis?
1 Where is Dublin?
2 What are humans called in the novel?
3 Who is the computer genius in the novel?
4 How many years had it been since Holly had completed The Ritual?
5 who tries to rescue Holly first?
7 Who is the antagonist?
10 What language is the Fairy Book written in?
12 What kind of creature is Foaly?
14 What is Artemis's mother's name?
15 What is Juliet's hobby/interest?
16 Who did Artemis get the Fairy Book from?
18 Who is the protagonist?
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