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Asylum Seekers And Refugees Crossword Puzzle

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Asylum Seekers and Refugees

                  3               4  
        12             13   14          
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5 Ongoing harassment and oppressive treatment
6 Legal and physical safety provided to refugees by another country
8 A time when a difficult or important decision must be made
9 Asylum seekers who arrive without papers are often placed in ____
10 Often the first place that refugees stop are refugee _____
12 A country from where a large proportion of refugees coming to Australia have come from
15 Poor treatment or violence
17 An emotional shock or injury which has lasting effects on a person
1 A person who has fled their homeland because of persecution
2 Refugees may arrive by foot, _____, or by plane
3 The movement of refugees to a country where they can live permanently
4 A trip or distance travelled
7 Being forced to leave your home typically due to war, persecution or natural disaster
11 Over 80% of the world's refugees are women and ____
13 A person who illegally moves people to another country for profit
14 People who have fled their country may seek this in another country
16 Government approval for people to enter, stay, work or study in a country
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