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Atomic Physics

                                1     2              
              3             4                        
              6         7                            
              10 11                         12          
15       16                                 17          
            18                         19              
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5 are those which give the electron an angular momentum w/c is a whole units of (h/2π)
6 in the infrared region (nn to n = 3)
8 answered all the questions about the photoelectric effect.
9 the first stationary state, is the most stable state
10 linear momentum x radius of rotation
13 he started working out his own mechanical model of hydrogen atom.
14 an instrument used to detect radiation outside the visible spectrum.
15 observed that zinc plates became positively charged when struck by light.
17 Each packet of energy is a quantum
18 theoretical means of obtaining the wavelength of lines in the Balmer series.
19 The smallest amount of something
20 ultraviolet region (nn to n = 1)
1 Planck's constant
2 He assumed a mass (m) and a charge (e) for electron = constant
3 light is made up of very fine particles, or corpuscles
4 energy at the outer orbit
7 energy at the inner orbit
11 the number of units of (h/2π) for angular momentum
12 he proposed that atoms do not absorb or emit light continuously, but do so in a little chunk he called quanta (QUANTUM
15 first detected the existence of EM waves and observed that radiation could eject electrons from metallic plates.
16 if the frequency of the incident photon is less than fo for the metal, the incident energy is less than the work function.
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