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          E L E C T R O L Y T E          
          C H E M I C A L R E A C T I O N
        D R Y C E L L                    
          C H E M I C A L E N E R G Y    
          E L E C T R O D E S            
        B A T T E R Y                    
        T E R M I N A L                  
W E T C E L L                            
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1 A substance that conducts electric current.
2 A process in which substances change into new substances with different properties.
3 An electrochemical cell in which the electrolyte is a paste.
4 Energy that is stored in a chemical compound.
5 A metal, used as a conductor, that allows electricity to pass through it.
6 A combination of two or more electrochemical cells in a series.
7 The part of an electrode above the surface of the electrolyte.
8 An electrochemical cell in which the electrolyte is a liquid.
1 A device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
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