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Biological Control Systems in Animals

Animal Anatomy and Physiology.

10 11                          
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3 Part of the nervous system containing the rest of the body other than the brain and spinal cord.
4 These are chemical substances secreted by special glands, that regulates the activity of certain cells and organs.
5 Part of the autonomic nervous system that stimulates the body's 'flight, fright, fight' response.
6 Protective membranes that surround the spinal cord and the brain.
7 This part of the nervous system controls unconscious internal body conditions.
8 The maintenance of 'steady state conditions' in the body.
9 Part of the nervous system contains the brain and spinal cord.
10 Biological control system composed of a collection of glands that secrete hormones into the circulatory system.
1 A bundle of fibres that transmit chemical or electrical impulses from one body part to another.
2 Sensory, motor and relay are types of this specialised cell that transmits nerve impulses.
3 Part of the autonomic nervous system that maintains the normal functions of the relaxed body.
11 Biological control system composed of a network of nerve cells and fibres that transmit nerve impulses around the body.
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