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                              2     3        
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            10             11                  
                                        14   15
              16   17     18   19     20          
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5 Relatively sudden global decrease in the diversity of life forms
6 Provides evidence about the history of life on Earth
7 Someone who studies fossils
8 Variation of relative frequency of different genotypes in a small population
10 Age of fossil is determined relative to something else
13 2 species evolve in response to changes in each other over time
16 The organisms able to adapt will survive
1 Ability to survive and reproduce
2 No longer in existence; that has ended or died out
3 The set of all genes or genetic information
4 Age of a fossil is determined by finding out absolute age of surrounding rock
9 An amount of time
11 A long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic
12 Remains or traces of life that hve been preserved over time
14 Very small fossils that it can be studied and identified only with a microscope
15 Distinctive fossil used to compare relative ages of fossils
17 A proposed explanation
18 Inherited characteristics that increases on oragnisms chance of survival
19 Formation of new and distinct species
20 Time over time
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