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23                                         24  
                            26           27    
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3 The opening where wastes and reproductive material pass out of the body
7 A section of the esophagus where food is stored and moistened
8 The tube where sperm passes from the testes (singular)
10 The oldest know bird fossils are classified as ________.
11 These members of the order Strigiformes are nocternal predators
13 These young animals are blind, naked and helpless and depend extensively on their parents for several weeks
15 Biologists who study birds
16 Woodpeckers and Toucans are birds that nest in tree cavities and are members of this order
18 A bird has a unique ______ system which includes lungs and multiple, large air sacs
19 This type of metabolism allows the bird to maintain a constant temperature even in fluctuating climates
23 All birds have these structures. They are mainly composed of keratin. They allow for flight and help insulate the bird's body.
25 These young animals can walk, swim and feed themselves as soon as they hatch
26 The muscular part of the bird's stomach that can contain small stones which help to grind up the food
28 A process where birds apply oil to their feathers from the oil glands near the base of their tails
1 The act of keeping the eggs warm until they are hatched
2 Fused collar bones which are referred to as 'the wishbone'
4 This process is where birds lay amniotic eggs encased in a hard, calcium-containing shell
5 In relation to the size of a bird's body, they have a relatively large ______.
6 Number of chambers in a bird's heart
9 This order contains the world's largest birds
12 A bird's forelimbs are modified into a pair of _____.
13 The class which birds belong
14 Specialized contour feathers found on the wings and tails of birds
17 When birds lose and regrow their feathers
20 The tube that leads from the single ovary, where fertilization occurs and through which eggs pass into the cloaca
21 Birds have thin, lightweight, ______ bones that allow for flight
22 Seasonal movement from one habitat to another
23 Members of the order, GALLIFORMES, are often referred to as '_____'
24 In place of teeth, all birds have this structure which allows for grasping food
27 The soft, fluffy feathers that cover the body of very young birds and provide insulating undercoat in adults
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