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Bridge TO Terabithia Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Bridge To Terabithia

                L   V                      
              W A T E R C O L O U R S      
                R   R                      
          W I D E W O R L D O F S P O R T S
      M R S P R E N T I C E                
                L                     U    
                E                     H    
                M I L L S B U R G P L A Z A
                E                     U    
      P U F F I N B O O K S           L    
              G A R Y F U L C H E R        
L A B O U R D A Y                          
Across Down
3 What Present did leslie give jess ?
4 What show did jess watchthat changed the way he started before running?
5 What is jess' bus drivers name?
7 Where did jess dad take ellie and brenda the day before church?
8 What company published bridge to terabithia?
9 Who did jess wnt to beat in the big race?
10 What public holiday did school start the day after?
1 What is Jess Aarons middle name?
2 What is the name of jess' school?
6 What company moved the burkes?
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