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Cattle Terminology

                1         2     3    
            4                 5      
        8                     9      
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4 castrated male cattle that cannot reproduce
5 mature females that can or have reproduced
6 the process of getting young accustom to food other than milk
8 process of removing the testicles from the male
9 large group of animals
10 typical cattle of Europe that are adapted for cooler weather
11 traits that come from the mother
12 abnormal or difficult birth
14 cattle adapted to hot climates also called zebu
15 mature male cattle that can reproduce
16 pertaining to bulls, steers, cows, heifers, and calves
17 these cattle do NOT have horns
18 very young cattle, to young to reproduce(baby
19 long hair at the end of the cows tail
1 Young female that has not had offspring
2 traits that come from the father
3 gentle or easy to handle
7 the act of giving birth
12 flap of skin that hangs beneath the jaw
13 Mammals that can acquire nutrients from plant-based food in their 4-chambered stomach
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