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Cell Crossword Puzzle Answer

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    R I B O S O M E         C      
                  U         L      
                  K         E      
              F L A G E L L U M    
                  R         S      
            G     O R G A N E L L E
            O     T                
        C E L L M E M B R A N E    
          M I T O C H O N D R I A  
        C   P R O K A R Y O T E    
        E   P                 R    
        L   A                      
    C H L O R O P L A S T          
    E       A                      
    L   C Y T O P L A S M          
    L       U                      
    W   L Y S O S O M E            
C I L I A                          
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2 This organelle is like a chef, making protein needed to survive.
4 This organelle is like a boat propeller, moving the cell forward.
6 These are like organs, helping the body function correctly.
7 This organelle is like an airport security system, controlling bags that can and cannot enter.
8 This organelle is like a battery, providing energy.
10 This type of cell is like a single organ, without other organs to work together.
12 This organelle is like a solar panel, using the sun's energy to produce needs.
13 This organelle is like a swimming pool, containing other organelles represented as pool floaties.
14 This organelle is like an incinerator. It rids of waste and trash.
15 This organelle is like an army of ants, moving materials around.
1 This organelle is like the air traffic control center, controlling where planes go.
3 This type of cell is much like earth, with different states, countries and continents working together to make a living.
5 This organelle is like a post office. The shipments have to be packaged and then sent to their destination.
9 This is like a shopping mall, made up of many different stores.
11 This organelle is like a factory, producing things needed.
12 This organelle is like skin, protecting what is on the inside.
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