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Cell Madness Crossword Puzzle

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Cell Madness

Complete the crossword puzzle below

  1                         2                        
  5             6                                    
        11                       12     13              
14             15                                      
16   17                                                
Across Down
5 Double membrane-bound structures, contain enzymes which help produce ATP (a high energy compound) from glucose
7 Thin, flexible barrier around a cell; regulates what enters and leaves the cell
8 Protein fibers that support the cell and allow movement.
9 Contain chlorophyll and conduct photosynthesis (green color)
10 In membrane, allow passage of materials
11 Jelly-like material inside nucleus
15 Flattened sac of membranes; modifies and packages proteins for secretion out of the cell
16 Proteins that help chromosomes move in animal cells (cell division)
18 Found in plant cells; Chloroplasts, Chromoplasts, Leucoplasts
19 Strong supporting layer around a cell membrane in plants, algae, and some bacteria; Supports the cell
20 Small membrane-enclosed sac that contains digestive enzymes to digest materials, destroy bacteria, and break down old cell parts; In animal cells (not often plant cells)
21 Found in nucleus, makes and stores RNA for Ribosomes
1 Tiny structures which make proteins (protein synthesis)
2 Jelly like material filling cell
3 Genetic material (DNA) with proteins making up chromosomes in the nucleus
4 Single tall-like structure for movement
6 Surrounding nucleus
8 Many hair-like structures for movement
12 Contain red, yellow, and orange pigments
13 Store starch
14 Small membrane-enclosed sacs that store water, salts, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. for plant and animal cells
17 The center of the cell
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