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Cell Organelles Crossword Puzzle

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Cell Organelles

                        1               2  
              3 4                          
            11                         12    
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3 Helps with cell division in animal cells.
5 Repackages and modifies lipids and proteins.
6 Barrier between the inside of the cell and the outside environment. Regulates what gets in and out of the cell.
7 Attaches amino acids into a chain creating a protein.
8 Converts glucose into usable energy. Also known as the powerhouse of the cell.
10 Stores water and wastes in plant cells. Animal cells have smaller versions of this organelle.
11 Provides structural support for the cell.
13 Only found in plant cells. Used to convert light energy into glucose.
14 Gel-like substance that suspends organelles inside the cell.
15 The recycling center of the cell. Contains enzymes that degrade molecules and waste.
1 Used for cell movement.
2 Stores and protects DNA. Indirectly controls the entire cell.
4 Two different types: smooth and rough. This organelle helps make proteins.
9 Only found in plant cells. Provides extra protection and maintains cell shape.
12 Used to transport things throughout the cell.
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