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Cell Srtuctures and Functions

Match the structures and functions to the parts of a cell

            E N T R I O L E S        
            N           E            
          G O L G I A P P A R A T U S
          P L A S M A M E M B R A N E
N U C L E U S                        
            M I T O C H O N D R I A  
            C Y T O S K E L E T O N  
    N U C L E O L U S                
            C Y T O P L A S M        
            L Y S O S O M E S        
R I B O S O M E S                    
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2 pair of gear-like cylinders made of microtubules
3 the 'post office' for the cell
4 gives the cell its flexibility
5 control center of the cell
6 oval shaped with folded internal membranes called cristae
7 gives the cell its shape
8 spherical structure inside the nucleus
9 shock absorber for the cell
10 breakdown protein,nucleic acids,lipids,and carbohydrates
11 site where enzymes and proteins are made
1 hollow, membrane-bound vessels
2 moves materials throughout the cell
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