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Cells, Cell Division And The Cell Cycle Crossword Puzzle

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Cells, Cell Division and the Cell Cycle

Using terms that we have learned so far in our Biology unit, fill in the crossword puzzle below.

                                1   2            
      11             12       13     14              
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5 The process in which the cytoplasm divides to create 2 identical cells.
6 The jelly in the cell. What splits during cytokinesis.
8 This organelle is the powerhouse of the cell. It produces energy the cell can use.
9 The phase in mitosis where the nuclear membrane reforms around the 2 new nuclei.
10 The phase of mitosis where the cells line up in the center of the cell.
11 Cell division sometimes occurs to ____________ injured or damaged cells.
14 The movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane.
16 Another name for the growth phase of the cell cycle.
17 This organelle is the brain of the cell. Contains the DNA and controls all the cells activities.
18 These are the basic unit of life on Earth.
1 The phase in mitosis where the chromosomes are split and drawn toward opposite ends of the cell.
2 The phase in mitosis where the DNA condenses into chromosomes and the nuclear membrane dissolves.
3 The first step in the cell division stage of the cell cycle that has 4 phases.
4 Cells divide because there is a ____________ to how big they can grow.
5 This structure separates the inside of the cell from the external environment.
7 The cellular process that moves materials around inside the cell.
12 The cells that are produced during cell division are ___________ to the original parent cell.
13 The instructions that tell the cell how to survive and function are contained in this molecule.
15 Found only in plant cells, this structure is tough and provides support, protection and shape for the cell.
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