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Circulatory Crossword Puzzle Answer

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                    C A P I L L A R I E S          
                    I             T               V
                    R                             A
                    C H A M B E R S     A     P   L
                    U                   R     L   V
                    L                   T     A   E
                    A R T H E R O S C L E R O S I S
                    T                   R     M    
                B L O O D V E S S E L   Y     A    
                  H Y P E R T E N S I O N   V      
                    S             I         E      
                    Y             X     M   I      
H O M E O S T A S I S                   A   N      
                    T W E N T Y S E C O N D S      
                    E                   S          
            F I V E M I L L I O N                  
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2 smallest blood vessel and connects the arteries to the veins
4 the human body has four of theese
7 what causes high cholestreol and calcium
8 passsage in body that circulates blood
9 high blood preasure is also known as
13 without this going on in your body you would die
14 how many seconds does it take for the blood to circulate through your whole body
15 one drop of blood contains how many red blood cells
1 hollow organ and maintains pump for the blood circulation
2 responsible for transporting blod and getting rid of waste
3 the beating sound in your heart comes from______ closing
5 muscular and elastic walled vessel that carries blood from the heart through the body
6 the blood carries what type of fluid through the body to help main tain normal body temperature
10 how many systems does the circulatory system work with
11 tube forming blood circulation and carries oxygen
12 whos heartbeat is the fastest
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