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City Places

Read the definitions and write all the words.

                                      B A K E R Y              
                                        I   U                  
                                        R   M   S              
                                        P       C              
                                        O       H O T E L      
                                  S     R       O              
                                B U S S T A T I O N            
                                  P             L              
                                  R E S T A U R A N T          
                                G A S S T A T I O N            
                            B O O K S T O R E                  
                        C         E                            
                        H O S P I T A L                        
                    P   U             I                        
                  C O U R T           B A N K                  
                    L   C             R                        
                    I   H   C I N E M A                        
                    C       A         R                        
                    E       F       G Y M                      
                  P A R K                                      
                  F I R E S T A T I O N                        
Across Down
2 you can buy fresh bread and cakes here.
5 where you sleep when you visit another city.
7 he place you go when you want to travel by bus to another city.
8 you go here when you don't want to cook at home. They prepare meals for you.
9 the place you go to put petrol (gas) in your car.
10 a place where you can buy books and magazines.
12 you go here when you need an operation or someone is going to have a baby.
15 the place where they have trials and law cases. A judge works here.
16 you deposit or withdraw/take out your money here. You can cash a cheque.
17 you can see the latest movies here. Many people eat popcorn while they're here.
18 you can do exercises, weight training and keep fit here.
19 An area of public land in a city that contains an area of grass where you can rest, play or walk your dog.
20 the building where firefighters keep their equipment including the fire engine
1 you can see many old objects (and sometimes paintings)
3 the place you go when you want to travel by plane to another city.
4 a place where children learn. You normally start school at the age of 5.
6 a large store that sells food, drinks and household items
11 a religious place of worship.
13 a place where you can read and borrow books.
14 you are taken here when you break the law and are arrested
17 you can buy a cup of coffee and cakes or sandwiches
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