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City Places

                    Z           P    
                  H O T E L   B A R  
                    O     I     R    
                          B A N K    
                P     C   R          
              H O S P I T A L        
                S     N   R          
                T     E   Y          
        S C H O O L   M              
                F   M A L L          
              A I R P O R T          
                C           B        
              R E S T A U R A N T    
                  U         K        
                  P         E        
                  E   C H U R C H    
                  R         Y        
                L A U N D R O M A T  
            M     E                  
          B U S S T A T I O N        
        G Y M                        
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3 A place that provides lodging and usually meals and other services for travellers.
5 Where drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, and sometimes food, are served.
6 The place where you deposit, withdraw money or cash a check.
9 The place where sick people go.
10 Place where people go to learn.
11 A place often enclosed shopping complex containing various stores, businesses, and restaurants.
12 A place where you can take a plane.
14 A place where you can buy food.
16 A religious place to pray.
17 A place where you can wash your clothes in coin-operated machines.
19 To travel by bus you go there.
20 The place where you can do exercises to keep fit.
1 A place where live animals are kept, studied, bred, and exhibited to the public.
2 A public area kept in its natural state and usually reserved for the enjoyment and recreation of visitor where children can play or you can walk your dog.
4 The place where you can buy or borrow books.
7 The place where postage stamps are sold and other postal business is conducted.
8 The place where you can watch movies.
13 This is where you can buy bread and cakes.
15 A store that sells food, drinks and household items.
18 A place where objects of historical, artistic, or scientific interest are exhibited, preserved, or studied.
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