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          C O O L C O L O R S          
          P R I M A R Y C O L O R S    
P U R P L E                            
      G R E E N                        
        W A R M C O L O R S            
          Y E L L O W                  
          O R A N G E                  
          O       T                    
          R       I             B      
          S E C O N D A R Y C O L O R S
                  T     E       U     H
                        D       E     A
Across Down
1 Green, blue and purple are ___________________.
2 Blue, red and yellow are _____________________.
3 This is the color you get when you mix red and blue together.
4 This is the color you get when you mix blue and yellow together.
5 Red, yellow and orange are ________________________.
6 The complementary color of purple is _______________.
7 This is the color you get when you mix red and yellow together.
10 Orange, green and purple are _____________________.
1 Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel are ___________________.
8 When you mix white with a color you get a _________________.
9 The complementary color of orange is ___________________.
11 The Complementary color of green is _________________.
12 When you mix black with a color you make a ________________.
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